Light design for any kind of live shows isn’t just decoration. Ideally the lights will blend in with the music and thus not only create a full audiovisual experience for the audience but also make the music more accessible and easier to understand.Throughout my career I have learned to make the most of sometimes sparse equipment – an experience that taught me how not to “waste” good effects but to properly combine and use them in a well-coordinated fashion for maximum impact. I have years of experience in a wide variety of light design projects under my belt and I’m currently not only available as light designer and engineer, but also fully capable of supplying show productions with any gear and experienced personnel.

As videos become ever easier to produce and showcase at event locations, quality becomes ever more important if you are trying to set yourself apart from the sheer mass of visual material out there.Whether it’s music videos, trailers, corporate videos or animation – imaging and editing have to be tailored to fit both content and client alike. Just like live music performances, excitement has to be built up, music needs to be chosen and adapted and screenplay has to be devised.Thanks to the many projects I’ve worked on over the years, I have been able to gather lots of experience in the fields of camera work, editing and animation as well as directing and project management.
As videos become ever easier to produce and showcase at event locations, quality becomes ever more important if you are trying to set yourself apart from the sheer mass of visual material out there.Whether it’s music videos, trailers, corporate videos or animation – imaging and editing have to be tailored to fit both content and client alike. Just like live music performances, excitement has to be built up, music needs to be chosen and adapted and screenplay has to be devised.Thanks to the many projects I’ve worked on over the years, I have been able to gather lots of experience in the fields of camera work, editing and animation as well as directing and project management.

Special effects (or SFX) when used in a coordinated way can provide the proverbial icing on the cake of any musical performance and / or event. Just as with light design, special effects should be employed in a precisely targeted way to augment a show’s entertainment value. I am a certified class IV pyro technician, trained in Austria, with years of field experience under my belt. My team and me have already used the following SFX to great effect at countless concerts, presentations and video shoots.With our own equipment and through our partners we can provide tailor made packages of all sorts and for all occasions, putting great emphasis on musical understanding and high end show design.

Martin Kames
Information US, EU, AUS / Requests / Quotes
Martin Kames
Ladezufahrt Bank Austria Halle / Gasometer B
Guglgasse 8 / 1110 Wien / Austria